Thursday, May 23, 2013

Warrant Officer: My Marine's Graduation at Quantico Virginia

Since yesterday I've been trying to think what has been the most caring thing someone has done for me.  I'm not talking about romantic moments (even though this could absolutely count as one) but something that showed deep care or interest, and I couldn't find one.  

Yesterday my Marine was graduating for Warrant Officer.  I can't say the schooling months were hard in terms of communications, they were not indeed.  Now that I think back, all the running to my house when he was online and I was out, me staying up until 0200 were not hard; they were not a  sacrifice because seeing and talking to him made me happy so I just didn't think about it.

Yesterday was his graduation and while I was expecting pictures for the next day (we have a 6 hours time difference and the ceremony was by his 1800, my 0000) he had something else in mind: He wanted his mom to facetime me so I could see the whole ceremony.

Really? who does that?  I told him "no! let your mom enjoy the ceremony, don't make her do that"

At 0000 and I had a call, his whole family was there, I got a close up of his mom and sister that said hi and then the family.  I'm talking I haven't met his family in person yet and they already seem to like me.  This is beyond great for me, I had an awful relationship with my ex husband's family; during my whole marriage I felt they didn't really liked me or accepted me, so the relationship felt fake.  This for me is amazing, I'm shy and all but I feel that I could really have a nice relationship with his family. 

I saw when they called his name, his mom began to cry before I did.  I was not planning to, but then I thought about what he had told me before: this was his first time (besides Boot Camp) when someone goes with him for his graduation.  Can you imagine? my Marine began as a private and was married all his military life and no one never ever went with him?  My eyes moistened.  

His mom took me to the front of the stage...yes! An amazing woman.  My bf was in the front row so I could see how handsome he looked. I even took pic from my lap top :)  Then, when they played the Marine's hymn I got more emotional, I wanted to be physically there with him.  By the end of the hymn the ceremony was over and his mom took me to him! I said hi and congratulations then I let him go to his family.

When we hung up I cried a lot, not because of the ceremony or the fact that he was graduating but for the fact that it had happened so many times before and he was always alone.  I thought about all the time he has had good experiences in his life and I was not with him because fate hadn't put us in the same path.  

Now that we are together I'm so ready to begin creating special memories with him. This is by far the most caring thing someone has ever done for me. 

Congratulations Officer Big,

I love you,



  1. OMG Warrant Officer hats off to him, Salute to Officer Big! congrats. My soldier really wants to become an Warrant Officer that is such an accomplishment. His family is amazing and so is he and you as well of course. It is hard when no one is there to support you but now he has his family and he had you! and not only that his family helped with that! it may just have been the most amazing moment of his life thus far. I love your story, I like that you totally looked at it outside the box and saw something more that means a lot more to him than the actual accomplishment. True love does that to you,,,you see things in a new light. I love your stories Honey!

  2. Thank you!

    Yes, WO is a big thing, he was so nervous when he was about to begin but I told him that if they promoted him is because he was capable. Now he wants to be Chief Warrant Officer 2 so I can be at his graduation :)

  3. That is so awesome! As if we cant be any more proud of our soldiers then he becomes a WO! congrats HoneyBee!
