Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to Honor Our Military on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an appropriate day to reflect with your family about the things you have and remember those who sacrificed for it but also, remember those who went beyond and fight for and in another land in the name of peace. 

These are some ideas for you to honor the fallen:
  1. Wear a yellow ribbon :)
  2. Visit a military cemetery. Put flowers, ribbons, or American flags on the fallen’s graves.
  3. Fly an American flag and or the POW/MIA flag in your yard at half mast to honor the memory of fallen.
  4. Take a moment of silence during your busy day to observe the military families who have lost a loved one to war.
  5. Write thank you letters for currently serving military or veterans for their service to protecting the country and community members.
  6. Ask your local newspaper editor to include a list of names on Memorial Day of fallen in your community.
  7. Visit a military museum or historic military site.
  8. Organize a community-wide observance to honor the military in your community who have served or who are currently serving.
  9. Change your Facebook profile picture to an American flag in honor of the military.
  10. Tell others why you are thankful for the military by using the hashtag #RememberThem on Twitter or Instagram.
  11. Volunteer from babysitting children to cooking a meal for a military family in your community.
  12. Hold a donation fundraiser for your community’s veterans’ hospital.
  13. Adopt a Hero.
  14. Volunteer with the Red Cross or Fisher House. 
  15. Educate yourself on the needs of returning military and educate your community on these needs. Make sure that your community is accurately meeting veteran needs. The Community Blueprint has many educational resources.
  16. Get involved with the Got Your 6 Campaign.
  17. Offer to buy a meal when you see a military member  in line.
  18. Join a Memorial Day Parade planning committee. Volunteer your time to help keep the spirit of the holiday alive. 
  19. Send much-needed gifts, foods, and supplies to the families of the fallen. Many lives have been lost to keep America safe. Many families have sacrificed their loved ones for the cause. Repay these families by contacting the local reserve base near you and asking how you can help. Contact the Girl Scout Council and other civic organizations that regularly support the families left behind.
  20. Get involved with organizations like Honor The Fallen Foundation
  21. Write a Memorial Day speech. Give the speech at your school, church, civic organization, at a parade, or to friends and family as you gather. Write about what the day of remembrance means to you and the families of the fallen.
  22. Support memorials in your area. 
  23. Offer a mass at your church in honor to the fallen.
  24. Participate at the Soldiers Angel's initiative Fallen But Not Forgotten Facebook Memorial where they will honor the fallen with a Virtual Memorial Wall. Send a photo and short bio of your Hero, and they'll post it to their Facebook page as a reminder to the community that Freedom IS NOT free. The  followers will have the opportunity to leave messages of love and thanks to the photos on their Facebook wall; they may also use the photos to pull together a Memorial Day Photo Slideshow. 
  25. Educate, educate and educate. Educate your children on the importance of observing Memorial Day and the dedicated service of military men and women.

"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy, forget in time, that men have died to win them."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

How are you honoring the fallen for Memorial Day?

Miller, Luci. "16 Ways to Honor Our Military on Memorial Day" Hands on Blog, May 22, 2012. contributor "How to Honor a Fallen Soldier" Ehow hom.


  1. All of these ideas are very effective. I have made Custom Pins to honor our military, my grandfather specifically. Thanks for posting, I've been looking for new ways to show appreciation.

    1. Hi Karen! Thank you for sharing your idea.
      My boyfriend is very proud of what he does and he gets very excited when people recognize his job, I think the pins are very original, I may try that with him.

      P.S. His face gets super red when people thank him for his makes me smile to see how it happens every time.
