Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Got A Letter!

I love the smell of a fresh letter in the morning :)

Mr. Big is at WOBT and opposite of what I had read about military schooling we have been communicating without drawbacks.  We do video calls every day, sometimes twice per day and we chat and text.  Ok, we have crazy schedules due to the time difference but we make it work.

Anyways, I wanted a letter.  I see/ hear all the girls talking about getting letters from their Marines that made me want them also! Yes, I'm an envious person, those girls don't hear from their men in weeks and live for a letter, me in the other hand get to hear from my Marine and still...well yes, that is how I rule my Kingdom haha.

I've been asking for the letter forever and I know he have them (he has written almost four by now) but he hasn't sent them, I was every day "Did you send them yet? Did you send them yet? Did you send them yet?"

Today I had to do some errands and like everyday and out of a custom since I was not expecting anything, went to the mailbox.  A lady was coming in the building, she actually had to stop before me since I rushed to the mailbox. I opened it and at first I did not see anything; I bent a little more and there it was! A letter from my Marine!

"Aawww" "muah muah muah" and with that, I kissed my Marine's hands, the mailman's and every other person that had touched that envelope.

It was a beautiful letter, he wrote in cursive since I've always seen his molded one; he wanted me to see he had a nice handwriting.  In the letter he said he was thinking about me, about our life together.  He asked me what kind of house would I like 'Victorian' or 'Ranch' Style, I didn't even know what that was! lol No worries, my friend google will help me out.

...And he sent a picture.  Just a regular one, he had to take one for his passport.  But he looked very handsome.  He has changed a lot, last pic he showed me (we were not together by that time) he looked awful, like a inmate lol.  My Marine is getting fashionable and fashionable every day.  I'm doing a good job.

In all, it was good having a letter from him.  Even though he wrote about something I already knew (we talked about it the same day he wrote the letter lol) it was nice he took the time to please his girl.

“More than kisses, letters mingle souls.”
John Donne 

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