Sunday, August 11, 2013

When I Got to See Him for the First Time

And it was a storm indeed.  It was a high-risk trip, I was finally going to see him after more than a year.  What was really going to happen?  Would he be the same? Was he going to act the same?

You see ladies, me and my bf met in a very non-conventional way, for some very romantic, for others a way that would never work.

As the days came nearer I wasn't showing any emotions at all, for the trip or for talking to him, for that matter.  It was a weird combination of exhaustion and really not believing I was finally going to see him.  When we first began planning the trip we thought that the fact that I had a lot of things to do the month before the trip was going to be great (for me) since the time was going to fly by.  The thing is that yes indeed, the time flew but with that came physical and emotional wear.  Besides all the things I had to do I had to make sure I talked to him every day, sometimes I only had 5 mins to talk to him during the day.  That created pressure on me since I knew he needed me and wanted to talk to me, so trying to keep up with my daily activities and taking care of him just wore me out.  By the time everything ended, almost by the end of June, I was done...tired, unmotivated.  I didn't even want to talk to him.  I would try to explain myself there: it was not that I did not want to talk to him, I just didn't want to talk to anybody.  I wanted to close my curtains and sleep, deep sleep until I couldn't sleep anymore.  Even though the big event that I had to help taking care of before the trip was done, I still had to do stuff for myself, and that prevented me from doing the sleeping/resting thing...that and that he did not like when I told him I needed time (not talking to him).  That was a stupid thing from my part, asking him this, but that was the result of fatigue.  He like to talk for hours with me which I like too but I wasn't in the mood, I explained him I did want to talk to him but that 15 mins was a good amount of time, that I did not want to spend hours talking but I also said I wanted a weekend off, off from him.  I didn't want to feel the pressure of "having" to call him every day, I wanted to feel like I was in control again. Well ladies, he did not buy that, he gave me a big "ARE YOU CRAZY?".  So we talked about it and even though he did not yield I began to feel good again.

The days before the trip I did all the beauty things I could while in a super tight budget.  Exfoliation of the entire body and moisturizer for my hair.  I wanted to wax too but the days previous I got my period so that was not going to be possible (also, it is very expensive to do this where I live so I was considering not to anyways).

So the day came and I had to travel.  I did not feel anxious at all, that was weird.  I woke up with enough time to do all the preparations.  I took 3 planes to get to him, and while landing on my last destination (after almost loosing one connection) I thought I was going to see him after the baggage claim area, so I was walking careless, not expecting to see him any time soon.

If I had thought about it I would of been in a whirlwind of emotions.  You see the fact that I had never seen him in person was something to worry about.  Yes, we have done thousands of video calls, pics, letters, voice note, you name it.  But what If I didn't like him? physically? What if when I see him I did not like him?  I loved his personality, that was for sure, after one year interacting as a couple I was sure I knew him well enough but love is more than that, I need to like him physically.  What about the sexual part of the relationship? would we be a match? would we have chemistry?

"AAwww"...said the girl waking in front of me.  There he was, a 6 foot tall man with a sign waving at me.  What the hell was he doing there? Shouldn't I've seen him after baggage claim? 


  1. AAWWWW!!! How has it been so far? What you expected? So happy for both!

  2. He is the man I've been waiting for <3
